Merit Pools & Spas provides Augusta, Hallowell, Gardiner, ME and the surrounding area with high-quality spa and pool services and products. You can find the pool or spa services and accessories that best fit your needs and budget. We also carry pool chemicals and offer maintenance services.
For the highest level of customer service and integrity, call 207-622-6792 today.
You may be surprised to find that a pool problem you thought would cost hundreds of dollars can actually be fixed with a less expensive repair. You can also set up regular maintenance checks to prevent such problems in the first place.
Merit Pools & Spas is happy to work with customers to find the solution that makes the most sense for their specific needs. Learn more about our pool and spa services available in Augusta, Hallowell and Gardiner, ME.
Don't skimp on your home spa. Give yourself a top-tier Adirondack spa from Merit Pools & Spas. When you visit our shop in Hallowell, ME, you'll also learn which spa and pool chemicals you'll need to maintain the right pH and chlorine levels.
Schedule spa and pool services today.